\ufeffMake ERD and GRD a courier moving company. the relationships of the project are as under.
Customer customeridPK \ufeffFirstname, Lastname, Contact, Address, Email
Driver Driverid PK \ufeffFirstname, Lastname, Contact, Address, Rating, Vehicletype
ActiveJob Jobid PK \ufeffCustomeridFK \ufeffPickup \ufeffDropoff, Vehiclepreference
Bidding BididPK \ufeffJobidFK \ufeffDriveridFK \ufeffFare, Status
AssignedJob JobidFK \ufeffDriveridFK
Pasttrip JobidFK \ufeffStatus, Timeappointed, Time completed
First \ufeffTables are basic. Active job is posted by the user with cutomer id a foreign key. user sets the vehicle preference from truck, UTE, Car, Bike, Van. from BIDDING table only those driver bid whose Vehicletype Driver table \ufeffVehiclepreferenceActiveJob \ufeffStatus in bidding table is weather the customer accepts the big or not.
Assignedjob table has Jobid and Driver Id both as foreign Key and job is assigned to the driver whose Status biddingtable \ufeffAccepted.
Pasttrip stores history of the trip. it saves the time started of a trip and time completed. and status weather it is completed or cancelled.
ERD should look something like the sample picture as under.